二氧化钛(TiO2),质地柔软的无嗅无味的白色粉末,是衡量一个国家人民生活水平高低的重要标准,因具有优异的物理材料性能与光学性能,遮盖力和着色力强、高稳定性、高活性、高分散性被广泛应用于自洁玻璃、自洁涂料、塑料、造纸、油墨、橡胶及化纤等工业,以及压电陶瓷、高温隔热材料、新能源汽车等。 二氧化钛属于高价值物质,目前每吨售价约为17000元,目前北美人均消费达到3.9kg,西欧为2.5kg,亚太地区2kg,而中国只有不到1Kg,据协会预计,我国二氧化钛市场需求每年10%的增长。
Titanium dioxide (titanium dioxide), a soft, odorless and tasteless white powder, is an important standard to measure the living standard of a country. Because of its excellent physical and optical properties, it is widely used in self-cleaning glass and self-cleaning coatings because of its strong covering and coloring power, high stability, high activity and high dispersion. Plastics, papermaking, ink, rubber and chemical fibre industries, as well as piezoelectric ceramics, high temperature insulation materials, new energy vehicles, etc. Titanium dioxide is a high-value substance. At present, the price per ton is about 17,000 yuan. At present, per capita consumption in North America is 3.9 kg, in Western Europe is 2.5 kg, and in Asia-Pacific region is 2 kg. But in China, it is less than 1 kg. According to the association's forecast, the demand of titanium dioxide Market in China increases by 10% every year.